Pelikan Wish-Nib

Some years ago, Pelikan further reduced the remaining nib selection. Demand focused mainly on the nib widths F, M and B (fine, medium and broad).

That Pelikan can produce other nib widths has been shown in recent years in various models in which, for example, IB-nibs (Italic broad) were offered. These nibs enable a writing style in which the line thickness varies in horizontal and vertical lines.

Moreover, there is now a wish-nib for a few years.

A very special way! If you sign up for the making of a custom-whish-nib, you'll get a questionnaire from Pelikan. Information about the attitude of the pen, whether you are left or right handed, and of course, the desired properties of the nib must be specified.

The nib with its iridium tipping is manufactured and pre-grounded. Mr. Köhn, the nibmaster, has explained how the nib was prepared and carried out the first writing sample. If necessary the nib will be reground to your personal requirements.

Only if the result is in line with (or exceed) your expectations is the production of this individual, personal nib finished.

In the factory outlet you can always found a matching fountain pen for your new nib.

Because you can not be present at the regrinding of the nib, I could use the waiting time to try the provided nibs. This Mr. Köhn has made in all conceivable variants. One nib particularly inspired me. Here, the horizontal bar was very wide and the vertical is very narrow. I could just write well with this nib and was allowed to buy it too. Mr. Köhn said, "I'll sit down at the bench grinder and make me a new one".

Pelikan M600 Wish-NibPelikan M800 Wish-NibPelikan M800 and M600 writing sample


The M800-nib has no bi-color ornament, since it was not produced for sale.

I would never have come up with the idea that it is possible to grind such a nib! I am deeply impressed by this nib and the fountain pen I have purchased!


Writing sample with Mr. Köhn (left) and Dominic Rothemel (right)
Writing sample with Mr. Köhn (left) and Dominic Rothemel (right)



Link to the Wish-Nib on the Pelikan website

Pelikan factory tour

In Vöhrum a small town near Hanover it is possible to visit the production facility. Fine writing instruments from Pelikan are only produced there and are shipped all over the world.

There are the connoisseurs Manufakt(o)ur (Genießer Manufakt(o)ur), this takes place in the context of two other companies (a brewery and a chocolate factory) and differs from the pure Pelikan factory tour. The factory tour is mainly focused in the production of fountain pens, just at the edge of the tour the ink bottling or the production of paint boxes is shown.

Thus, the tour reflected my interests exactly. The production of the typical striped barrels, to be able to view the various parts turning and polishing was very interesting.

In the nib manufacturing the individual steps are shown very clearly and even with the manual alignment of the nibs you can see that care is taken for the perfect writing characteristics of a M200 steel nib. Each nib is individually screwed into a barrel and aligned and tested.

After the previous day at the Pelikan archive, the fabricating of my custom wish-nib and the factory tour I needed a few days to process all the experiences and impressions!

My decision to concentrate on Pelikan fountain pens was right in every respect. Perfect pens, good customer service and a friendly contact with the customers leave nothing to be desired.


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